Pffffffffff many things have happened since I update this. OMG, did not let you leave my little thing, I swear, _, Holy shit, since I updated November 10 xD. -------------
Rant # 1 Bleach
KUBO OMG I HATE YOU FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE WITH MY Rangiku . HOW DARE You! But I love you so much for show us Halibel's face and make me happy with the Stark Being First Espada. It's makes me so happy! Barragan That wasn't my favorite position to xD.
I have a plushie of Kon doing cosplay of Grimmnjow. It's makes me laugh everytime I see him xD. And I watched
Rock Music Festival and I loved it Blech. The actors were good and the songs very amusing indeed. That thing makes me more ship Aizen / Gin, srly xD. And Momo / Rukia, But leave me alone. ------------
Rant # 2 Games
Valkyire Profile: The Accused One / The convinent of the plume. Any of the titles, who cares! For it appears, after two games in which only the names. The game is only in japonésy already got the DS emulator xD. Too bad he does not come Valeth Lezard, _ but I can not ask for anything given that the previous game was almost all focused on the xD.
PFFFFF. I HAVE SO MUCH TO PLAY. I am "finishing" (Because I still unfinished but not so much xD) on Namco x Capcom. GM Lilith (L) ~ BEAUTIFUL THING! I was so happy when I I finally have you in my hand and all that subtext was not subtexo explendido Morrigan. Valkyrie earned my love and KOS-MOS is fucking christ.
Then I have to follow the Ar Tonelico. Still not that concerned, but has good character designs and cute apreço. Also he has another crossover with Capcom Morrigan and Lilith goes where I want to play it xD.
turned nostalgíay I started playing Final Fantasy IV, V and VI again. I think that really affected me the Dissidia, which I'm going crazy to get a PSP to play. It's fantastic that we have been crossover wait xD And if I like Kefka and Sephiroth BOTH AT THE SAME TIME = D. And the Onion Knight is love xD --------
Rant # 3: Role
IN NOMIIIIIIIIINE. Do not know why I'm so hung with that game xD role in my RL. It affects me a lot xD.
The Bleach Dressing Room takes all my inspiration, I love role-play with all who are there. You should write this in English if I want you to understand, but bueh xD. Fender measured Farm walks off, yet is still held and Dressing Room Casplock enlèvement and I have not spent much. Should be able to spend these days, I think. ------
Rant # 4: Random
SPANISH INQUISITION. I wanted to see it again, do not know why xD. Kai's fault and the icon. I have
22 livejorunal accounts, which is a clear sign that I need to stop grabbing characters, but that is the fault of ... gn'wrgnrl'bueno okay, my fault, but I like it, ok? What can I do xD I
an Icon that says "I Love Divine Comedy Divine Comedy "Evil xD. Diven
Soul is doing his thing constantly changing, too bad I could not finish writing the novel for NaNoWriMo, but will next year xD. I
of Konan Cosplay the end, I think it looks great, and I was fascinated by the blue hair xD. I love him and someday dying xD.
And ta, no more update xD.