Title: Betrayal
Fandom: Bleach
Pairing: Ichimaru Gin x Matsumoto Rangiku (Duh ~ xD)
Warnings: None ~
Table: Angst
Number: 7-Betrayal
Notes: And yes, follow the table a bit 8D
He knew
from the beginning. I knew that at some moment had to betray. So that was imposed in order to Aizen, and so should be fulfilled.
And that did not affect him at all. I was ready and only had to wait. After all, who is false and who Sereitei not?
A. Two. Three. The second the clock struck slowly that day. EjecuciĆ³ny death would be carried out as quickly as necessary.
was time after all, and even in that castle, he feels betrayed just one thing. Of all the things that mattered most to lose because of the treachery, only that it makes you feel worthwhile.
And that is to Ichimaru Gin, Matsumoto Rangiku was betraying all he really felt.
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