entangled Beauty and the Beast at CINES
who lives under a rock or watch little TV will not know that for two weeks Beauty and the Beast is being projected 3D in cinemas everywhere . In theory plays on all that I lasted the pull of nostalgia, so I highly recommend giving it a try.
I. Back to a movie so great on the big screen, it should be. The songs, the characters, the story ... santa I swear that if you liked the small, now you will enjoy as never before.
II. They have added new scenes to exploit the 3D we have more views than ever. And I fijaréis 3D in a lot of details that you had not paid attention in the living room.
III. You will meet with people that you know, quite sure. And no children involved. That will help you know who you must invite to go see Tangled XDDDD
IV. Good way to hook the cousin / brother / nephew lower.
I. Disney movie is dangerous for children. Get ready for a scrum of screaming, crying and "I want to pee."
II. Passes quite restricted. Only sessions at 12, 16 and 18.
III. The 3D is expensive and sometimes it is rare to see a 2D animated movie in 3D.
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