Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How Much Cost To Buy Bowling

A great link!

I come to leave a link I found recently. It's about art TOO Disney films are amazing!

(click on the image and bring them to the main site)

The site is in French, but if you use Google Chrome as a browser, it is easy to translate.
is filled with concept sketches from all Disney movies, both animated and real image Pixar, and its smaller subsidiaries (Touchstone, etc). There were even some that I do not sound anything xD
also have a section on the artists behind the animations and designs and even a section of projects aborted (very interesting!)

The truth is that it is a joy.

Some post that I liked: On Tangled
The artist who designed it: / archives/2010/12/01/19744388.html
Don Quixote, a project that was concluded:

And finally, can stay for hours running through it: D


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