akatsukimiyu @ 2008-10-22T15:01:00
to kmiya ~ What she instills these vices ~
1: Write "[your name] needs" in Google search:
R: Melanie need this. (Yes, I need I NEED IT! NECESITOO lOOo !!... Although we do not know oo)
2: Type in "[your name] appears" in the boo ; Search Google:
R: Gabriel Byrne makes a somewhat unusual composition, and his obsession with Melanie seems más el querer echarle un polvo tantos años atrasado, (Sin comentarios....)
3: Escribe "[tu nombre] hace" en la búsqueda de Google:
R: GERALAIN dejó un comentario a Melanie Hace 1 hora. (Y yo no me enteraré =D)
4: Escribe "[tu nombre] odia" en la búsqueda de Google:
R: Melanie odia a Brian, en parte por culpa de Lindsay ya que ésta es muy cariñosa con él, sin embargo en otras sagas está más about Brian. (Only one thing: WHO THE HELL IS BRIAN?! = D)
5: Type in "[your name] becomes" on Google search:
A: If becomes to produce a error, it is possible that the service is temporarily out ... Melanie bought a white coat redondelana Crystal signature. (Watch what you buy and no one knows ...)
6: Type in "[your name] loves" in Google search:
R: Melanie loves music so much, who becomes the girl helps you turn the pages while playing your music. (I play music, crazy \u0026lt;3)
7: Type in "[your name] eats" in Google search:
R: "Melanie , come home Quickly! The doctor is on the phone for you! (Brb, mom doing
8: Type in "[your name] has" in Google search:
R: Melanie a Ferrari is not being used. (Where? I use xD)
9: Type in "[your name] wants" in Google search:
R: Melanie wants to be asleep. (Never better said xD)
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