Title: One Two. Three.
Fandom: In Nomine Role Satanis
Pairing: Prince of TenisxGunslinger
Warnings: I still neat ~
One Two. Three
Those were the times that he was biting his raven head. And he knew he had done something wrong. One
Two. Three
For every time he did that, Edward became more nervous trying to find that there done. He closed his eyes for a moment remembering all the not to do. One
Two. Three
had not killed anyone. Humans are nice and always bring enjoyment. Especially women. One
Two. Three
opened his eyes, a bit shocked and scared. Was he able to make this mistake? Had he been able to fall in love?
Two. Three
Millialooked at, looking for the answer he did not want to know ... When had been neglected? It was assumed that she was your weapon and nothing else. One
Two. Three
...- muttered "Damn the tennis player turned away. Already knew what had gone wrong.
sighed tired. Was more nervous than ever, but he knew his Millia hide while she played with her hair, sitting on his lap.
How can we not love her? One
Two. Three
- A my only love I pray stupid - the voice of Crow ruled in Edward's head. One
Two. Three
- then began to pray to now - ended as a small player smile showed on his lips.
And the raven head itch stopped.
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