stolen miyu_su ~
1 - [] You dropped your gum out of your mouth when you speak.
2 - [] You dropped your gum out of mouth when you're not talking
3 - [x] You have beaten with a door or something transparent -> pffffffff, chairs, tip bed, people \u0026lt;3
4 - [] You have pulled a moving vehicle
5 - [x] You have thought of something funny and you start to laugh and people stare you weird - Yeah , iiii, whenever I think of something that gives me grace and I laugh xDD
6 - [] You have beaten with a tree while walking
7 - [] You can lick your elbow.
8 - [] By reading this you just try to lick your elbow
9 - [x] You never realized that the song 'alphabet' and the 'star where these' have the same rhythm - > I have some life xD.
10 - [] By reading the number 9
trying to sing 11 - [x] You have tropesado your shoelace and fallen -> It's fantastic. And when I say fantastic means horrible = D
12 - [x] You have choked on your own spit ---> I wish I could say no
13 - [] You have seen the movie matrix and still do not understand
14 - [] Do not you realize that in the previous question is 2 times the word 'the'.
15 - [] You just bring you back to see if it's true.
16 - [] Your hair color all painted less than
17 - [x] People have called you slow. ---> Lerda, slow, Slowpoke.
18 - [x] Do something accidentally burned: My finger on when and enced Lube? Encedí my quilt but once = DDDD
19 - [] s tried to take a straw with your mouth but it went into your nose / eyes.
20 - [x] All of a sudden like you drool ----> I'm drooling at times, I'm old u_u
21 - [x] You do overslept (a) in class. ---> Pffff, but please> _>
22 - [] Sometimes you stop thinking
23 - [x] You're saying a story and forget what you were talking about -> I give XD fantastic
24 - [x] People nods and walks away from you very often .---> If I do not understand or think they bite
25 - [] Very often you say no pay any attention to the voice inside your head
26 - [x] You use your fingers to do simple math -> SRLY, inexpensive calculator is the best there xD
27 - [] You have eaten an insect.
28 - [x] You are taking this test when you should be doing something important .--> do something important Ç = D
29 - [x] You have put your clothes on backwards on the wrong side .----> many times, say it is a gift or you'll receive a gift, but I do not get a shit xD
30 - [x] Make searched all over for something and realized it was in the hand or pocket. -> ORLY, Miyu LOST THINGS, PEOPLE, amazed = D
31 - [] You send chain letters because you are afraid of passing some of the things he says that will happen but you know that NO may pass.
32 - [x] You lose things very easily and often. -> I'M MAGIC: D
33 - [] Your friends know not to use big words around you.
34 - [] You hit your head with your hand when you're confused.
35 - [x] You have fallen out of your chair. -> It divertidisiiiiiimo, which laughs at me first xD
36 - [x] When you're lying in bed after the roof and try to find pictures on the ceiling texture -> Generally, my imagination encunetro n apra the ships or something xDDD
37 - [] You say the word a lot when you talk
38 - [x] Someone or more than someone said you're crazy. Many people ~
39 - [] You have spelled your name wrong. -> Miyu have a penchant for caricature, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES .... * Roll eyes *
40 - [] You have no idea so many programs that serve your computer
41 - [] do not know your cell number I want
therealkaichan xD do
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