Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Song On The Casino Commercial


Pffffffffff many things have happened since I update this. OMG, did not let you leave my little thing, I swear, _, Holy shit, since I updated November 10 xD. -------------

Rant # 1 Bleach

KUBO OMG I HATE YOU FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE WITH MY Rangiku . HOW DARE You! But I love you so much for show us Halibel's face and make me happy with the Stark Being First Espada. It's makes me so happy! Barragan That wasn't my favorite position to xD.

I have a plushie of Kon doing cosplay of Grimmnjow. It's makes me laugh everytime I see him xD. And I watched

Rock Music Festival and I loved it Blech. The actors were good and the songs very amusing indeed. That thing makes me more ship Aizen / Gin, srly xD. And Momo / Rukia, But leave me alone. ------------

Rant # 2 Games
Valkyire Profile: The Accused One / The convinent of the plume. Any of the titles, who cares! For it appears, after two games in which only the names. The game is only in japonésy already got the DS emulator xD. Too bad he does not come Valeth Lezard, _ but I can not ask for anything given that the previous game was almost all focused on the xD.

PFFFFF. I HAVE SO MUCH TO PLAY. I am "finishing" (Because I still unfinished but not so much xD) on Namco x Capcom. GM Lilith (L) ~ BEAUTIFUL THING! I was so happy when I I finally have you in my hand and all that subtext was not subtexo explendido Morrigan. Valkyrie earned my love and KOS-MOS is fucking christ.

Then I have to follow the Ar Tonelico. Still not that concerned, but has good character designs and cute apreço. Also he has another crossover with Capcom Morrigan and Lilith goes where I want to play it xD.

turned nostalgíay I started playing Final Fantasy IV, V and VI again. I think that really affected me the Dissidia, which I'm going crazy to get a PSP to play. It's fantastic that we have been crossover wait xD And if I like Kefka and Sephiroth BOTH AT THE SAME TIME = D. And the Onion Knight is love xD --------

Rant # 3: Role

IN NOMIIIIIIIIINE. Do not know why I'm so hung with that game xD role in my RL. It affects me a lot xD.

The Bleach Dressing Room takes all my inspiration, I love role-play with all who are there. You should write this in English if I want you to understand, but bueh xD. Fender measured Farm walks off, yet is still held and Dressing Room Casplock enlèvement and I have not spent much. Should be able to spend these days, I think. ------

Rant # 4: Random

SPANISH INQUISITION. I wanted to see it again, do not know why xD. Kai's fault and the icon. I have

22 livejorunal accounts, which is a clear sign that I need to stop grabbing characters, but that is the fault of ... gn'wrgnrl'bueno okay, my fault, but I like it, ok? What can I do xD I

an Icon that says "I Love Divine Comedy Divine Comedy "Evil xD. Diven

Soul is doing his thing constantly changing, too bad I could not finish writing the novel for NaNoWriMo, but will next year xD. I

of Konan Cosplay the end, I think it looks great, and I was fascinated by the blue hair xD. I love him and someday dying xD.

And ta, no more update xD.

Monday, November 10, 2008

How To Learn Pain Tolerance

akatsukimiyu @ 2008-11-10T16:49:00

¡¡¡¡¡ Mewtwo CHILDREN !!!!!!!!

spam It already seems that xD ~


finished reading Soul Eater manga and to the surprise of nobody, I've become my stereotypical fangirl character: Lenses, Psycho / insane / sorcerer and you have to have more than thirty years. Well ladies and gentlemen, I present a. ..

Dr. Frakes Stein ~

Anything you say now is an absurd amount of fangirleo unnecessary wear and tear for all of you = D. Look will consider that I left, huh. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

weekend that I have not yet convencióny to go, how nice ~ Konan, the errant spoiler. Gin, asshole * sighs * ~ No idea.

Also I have to go with NaNoWriMo, it's so cute when I freeze Eldric novel = D. DAMN YOU I LOVE YOU UNHAPPY! At least let me out of the prologue that left me unable to do anything ... Stolen

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Cigar Roller Nashville

akatsukimiyu @ 2008-10-22T15:01:00

to [info] kmiya ~ What she instills these vices ~

1: Write "[your name] needs" in Google search:
R: Melanie need this. (Yes, I need I NEED IT! NECESITOO lOOo !!... Although we do not know oo)

2: Type in "[your name] appears" in the boo ; Search Google:
R: Gabriel Byrne makes a somewhat unusual composition, and his obsession with Melanie seems más el querer echarle un polvo tantos años atrasado, (Sin comentarios....)

3: Escribe "[tu nombre] hace" en la búsqueda de Google:
R: GERALAIN dejó un comentario a Melanie Hace 1 hora. (Y yo no me enteraré =D)

4: Escribe "[tu nombre] odia" en la búsqueda de Google:

R: Melanie odia a Brian, en parte por culpa de Lindsay ya que ésta es muy cariñosa con él, sin embargo en otras sagas está más about Brian. (Only one thing: WHO THE HELL IS BRIAN?! = D)

5: Type in "[your name] becomes" on Google search:
A: If becomes to produce a error, it is possible that the service is temporarily out ... Melanie bought a white coat redondelana Crystal signature. (Watch what you buy and no one knows ...)

6: Type in "[your name] loves" in Google search:
R: Melanie loves music so much, who becomes the girl helps you turn the pages while playing your music. (I play music, crazy \u0026lt;3)

7: Type in "[your name] eats" in Google search:
R: "Melanie , come home Quickly! The doctor is on the phone for you! (Brb, mom doing

8: Type in "[your name] has" in Google search:
R: Melanie a Ferrari is not being used. (Where? I use xD)

9: Type in "[your name] wants" in Google search:
R: Melanie wants to be asleep. (Never better said xD)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Volleyball Team Slogans Names





xD I'm serious. Anyway, I'm going ~

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Fairy Tale Place Names


stolen [info] miyu_su ~

1 - [] You dropped your gum out of your mouth when you speak.

2 - [] You dropped your gum out of mouth when you're not talking

3 - [x] You have beaten with a door or something transparent -> pffffffff, chairs, tip bed, people \u0026lt;3

4 - [] You have pulled a moving vehicle

5 - [x] You have thought of something funny and you start to laugh and people stare you weird - Yeah , iiii, whenever I think of something that gives me grace and I laugh xDD
6 - [] You have beaten with a tree while walking

7 - [] You can lick your elbow.

8 - [] By reading this you just try to lick your elbow

9 - [x] You never realized that the song 'alphabet' and the 'star where these' have the same rhythm - > I have some life xD.

10 - [] By reading the number 9

trying to sing 11 - [x] You have tropesado your shoelace and fallen -> It's fantastic. And when I say fantastic means horrible = D

12 - [x] You have choked on your own spit ---> I wish I could say no

13 - [] You have seen the movie matrix and still do not understand

14 - [] Do not you realize that in the previous question is 2 times the word 'the'.

15 - [] You just bring you back to see if it's true.

16 - [] Your hair color all painted less than

17 - [x] People have called you slow. ---> Lerda, slow, Slowpoke.

18 - [x] Do something accidentally burned: My finger on when and enced Lube? Encedí my quilt but once = DDDD

19 - [] s tried to take a straw with your mouth but it went into your nose / eyes.

20 - [x] All of a sudden like you drool ----> I'm drooling at times, I'm old u_u

21 - [x] You do overslept (a) in class. ---> Pffff, but please> _>

22 - [] Sometimes you stop thinking

23 - [x] You're saying a story and forget what you were talking about -> I give XD fantastic
24 - [x] People nods and walks away from you very often .---> If I do not understand or think they bite

25 - [] Very often you say no pay any attention to the voice inside your head

26 - [x] You use your fingers to do simple math -> SRLY, inexpensive calculator is the best there xD

27 - [] You have eaten an insect.

28 - [x] You are taking this test when you should be doing something important .--> do something important Ç = D

29 - [x] You have put your clothes on backwards on the wrong side .----> many times, say it is a gift or you'll receive a gift, but I do not get a shit xD

30 - [x] Make searched all over for something and realized it was in the hand or pocket. -> ORLY, Miyu LOST THINGS, PEOPLE, amazed = D

31 - [] You send chain letters because you are afraid of passing some of the things he says that will happen but you know that NO may pass.

32 - [x] You lose things very easily and often. -> I'M MAGIC: D

33 - [] Your friends know not to use big words around you.

34 - [] You hit your head with your hand when you're confused.

35 - [x] You have fallen out of your chair. -> It divertidisiiiiiimo, which laughs at me first xD

36 - [x] When you're lying in bed after the roof and try to find pictures on the ceiling texture -> Generally, my imagination encunetro n apra the ships or something xDDD
37 - [] You say the word a lot when you talk
38 - [x] Someone or more than someone said you're crazy. Many people ~

39 - [] You have spelled your name wrong. -> Miyu have a penchant for caricature, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES .... * Roll eyes *

40 - [] You have no idea so many programs that serve your computer

41 - [] do not know your cell number I want

[info] therealkaichan xD do

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What Happens To The Cervix Before Your Period

This is your fault. Yes, you know it was you!

Title: One Two. Three.
Fandom: In Nomine Role Satanis (In Nomine Naruto too)
Pairing: Prince of TenisxGunslinger EdwardxMillia
Genre: Mmm ... "Angst?
Warnings: I still neat ~

One Two. Three


Those were the times that he was biting his raven head. And he knew he had done something wrong. One

Two. Three


For every time he did that, Edward became more nervous trying to find that there done. He closed his eyes for a moment remembering all the not to do. One

Two. Three


had not killed anyone. Humans are nice and always bring enjoyment. Especially women. One

Two. Three


opened his eyes, a bit shocked and scared. Was he able to make this mistake? Had he been able to fall in love?


Two. Three



looked at, looking for the answer he did not want to know ... When had been neglected? It was assumed that she was your weapon and nothing else. One

Two. Three


...- muttered "Damn the tennis player turned away. Already knew what had gone wrong.

sighed tired. Was more nervous than ever, but he knew his Millia hide while she played with her hair, sitting on his lap.

How can we not love her? One

Two. Three


- A my only love I pray stupid - the voice of Crow ruled in Edward's head. One

Two. Three


- then began to pray to now - ended as a small player smile showed on his lips.

And the raven head itch stopped.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

White Ceramic Plates Wholesale

When a mother can kill you = D

Miyu: God is not racist, the man himself. Have not you noticed that no black angels?
Mama: Yes, one-
Miyu: LUCI NOT COUNT! We are talking about different
Black Mama: * Silence *
Miyu: My point ~

cooked Talk epic while xD. Randoms Issues arise on the agenda!


Well, DS brain is absorbing me little by little = D. And above the ships are the order of Diaye unaided. Alghero able

are hidden fees, others do not think it ever happen BrahmsxAgathaxNephira

... If it was canon xD


Friday, September 19, 2008

Friction Static Of A Ladder

Blah, blah ~

End of the world, shit happens ~. Why can not I have faith in completing a table once in my life?

xD Title: Silence
Pairing: Ichimaru Gin ~ (Yes, this time alone. I have to stop a little with my OTP xD)
Table: Angst ~
Number: 10 - Silence
Warnings: No ~ I'm still verbose = D.

Ichimaru Gin always known for being someone special to talk. He knew to tell you when you just did not want to hear.
Or just smiled, because sometimes words are not needed in some situations. They say that a gesture is worth a thousand words, right?

Perhaps this was the best, even at night. But should omit the part where he does not consider it spoke for a bit ... Special . And definitely talk to Tousen was not the same.

Ulquiorra is a different case, or so as he had listed it at least. Very few were with whom one could talk there.

Although after all, why break the silence when there is nobody left alive to talk?

Still Need to get a hobby ~

Friday, September 12, 2008

Zshred Discount Coupons

do not know why I keep posting here xD

Title: Dark
Fandom: Bleach
Pairing: Ichimaru Gin (yes, all by himself ... well, some mention of Rangiku's going to be xD)
Table: Angst
Number: 9 - Dark
Warnings: No, I'm neat xD.

Nights has always been a rather peculiar. Not only because within him is always sunny, or because all the pluck that live there are not very sociable, but because it is usually quiet sometimes.

's not like he cared much about them. And so it had to be after everything that had happened.

much light is annoying at times, that's why I left the castle is fun sometimes. Surrounded by a bit of darkness makes you feel good. Feeling like I was back in Society Soul.

There are things you might be surprised by this place. Rather, people . The lack of it feels a little, but it shows in his smile.

No one can judge something you do not see, or at least so they say. All it does is done for the sake of one person. Like everything selfish man does.

Because after all, who says that Nights is full of darkness?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fioni Shoes Heels Light Up

Title: Betrayal
Fandom: Bleach
Pairing: Ichimaru Gin x Matsumoto Rangiku (Duh ~ xD)
Warnings: None ~
Table: Angst
Number: 7-Betrayal
Notes: And yes, follow the table a bit 8D

He knew

from the beginning. I knew that at some moment had to betray. So that was imposed in order to Aizen, and so should be fulfilled.

And that did not affect him at all. I was ready and only had to wait. After all, who is false and who Sereitei not?

A. Two. Three. The second the clock struck slowly that day. Ejecucióny death would be carried out as quickly as necessary.

was time after all, and even in that castle, he feels betrayed just one thing. Of all the things that mattered most to lose because of the treachery, only that it makes you feel worthwhile.

And that is to Ichimaru Gin, Matsumoto Rangiku was betraying all he really felt.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Closet Organizer Slanted Walls

Fangirl Fangirl is Miyu * loves * to be fangirl

Title: Lie
Fandom: Bleach
Pairing: Ichimaru Gin / Matsumoto Rangiku
Warnings: None xP
Table: Angst
Number: 4-Lie
Notes: Gin Because I can, and the board even more xD.

Lying is a human action. Whenever we find a way of saying things, use the action of lying to subsite. Or when we do not just say what we think or feel, we lie to become the person you're minitendo.

And yet, when loneliness pervades the souls of those who begin to feel remorse for the lies they told. Sometimes even causing them some pain in another minds. Or simply, do the wrong thing to be discovered.

Although sometimes, to protect someone from the truth, to lie there and let him back. Pretending something that, at the very end, end badly. Why not increase it a bit, only to have it this good?

Just because it was doomed? No, he knew it was not for that alone.

But as he further aware of everything you do, you always lie to whether Mims, thinking everything would end as he wanted. Because

smiling and lying to himself, was the only way of doing things wrong. For her.